Tag: Fortran

  • Config MSYS2 Fortran environment running via Proxy and CA root certification on Windows

    Most IT companies today distribute computers that connect to VPC virtual computers through a proxy port and have internal CA certification installed.If you only install it on your personal computer, skip this article. When installing the msys2 system and updating packages using the pacman -Syu command,you may get some errors of not being able to…

  • STL_X3D_Viewer

    About A simple Fortran stl x3d viewer , can view 3D model of any stl or x3d file. Get it here : https://github.com/v-h-giang/STL_X3D_Viewer Have 3 open source Fortran library to share here : Using : SDL2 , opengl , glu ASDW button to rotate , or mouse scroll to zoom in/out Compile by MSYS2 (windows):…

  • Mariadb_connector_fortran

    About A Open Source Fortran interface for Mariadb-connector/C It can use to connect to Mariadb, MySQL, Oracle Get it here : https://github.com/v-h-giang/Mariadb_connector_fortran/ Download newest Mariadb client connector/C (dll file) here for windows OS : https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-connector-c/ How to use with sample Remember to place libmariadb.dll to main program folder Define server with object type DATABASE_CONNECT_INFO. In…

  • Some Notes about Fortran : Module Structure with sample

    Introduction : In Modern Fortran , program is separated to a structure that have a main file and connect with multi-library , that have Module structure. This new feature is so powerful and improve development standard better before. In this picture , Main program is using 3 library module called : Module_1, Module_2, Module_3 ,…